Bridge Courses

London Bridge Centre recognizes the need for education programs for players of all levels - from absolute beginners to advanced players. The path for beginners starts with a basic course which can then be supplemented with additional basic+ level courses. Opportunities to practice what has been learned are also available. For the intermediate and advanced player, two and four-week courses are offered on a variety of topics.

 LBC reserves the right to cancel any course if there is insufficient registration.

A TASTE OF BRIDGE - Saturday, March 29

A Taste of Bridge is being offered at the

London Bridge Centre

Unit 9 - 1106 Dearness Drive

Saturday, March 29 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

This course is offered FREE of charge.

A Taste of Bridge is an introductory session for individuals considering learning to play this popular card game. No prior bridge experience is needed. In three hours, we aim to show how much fun the game can be and hope you will see that bridge is a challenging and interesting game. Come alone or bring a group to the event.

The course instructor is Sara Ellis. For further info you may contact Sara at

To Register for this course please click HERE

Registration deadline is Wednesday, March 26.

Bridge Basics 1

Bridge Basics I is a general introduction to the game of bridge that includes basic terminology, bidding, and card play. This course is designed for individuals with no bridge experience or for those who are returning to bridge after an extended absence from the game.


Course Topics: Hand evaluation, the bidding ladder, no-trump opening bids and basic responses, minor suit opening bids and basic responses, major suit openings and basic responses, and dummy points. Hand play and defence will be included in each class. 

Where: London Bridge Centre


When: Eight Wednesday mornings, April 16 to June 4, 2025, 9:30 to noon.


Cost: $120 plus the text, Audrey Grant's textbook, Bridge Basics 1 (approx $30).

Teacher: Jane King


For further information, contact Jane at 


Registration will start soon. To register please click HERE.

Bridge Basics II


Bridge Basics II carries on with practice in playing hands and introduces the following topics in bidding: Take-out doubles, overcalls, pre-emptive bids, weak 2 openings, and responses to each of these bidding strategies.


Registrants should have taken a beginner's course or have equivalent experience.


Where: London Bridge Centre


When: Six Tuesday mornings, March 11 to April 15, 2025, from 9:30 to noon.


Cost: $90 plus the cost of the text (approx $30).


For further information, contact Jane


To register for this course please click HERE.

Bridge Basics III- Popular Conventions

Bridge Basics III is for those who have taken BB I and who have gained some experience at playing bridge. This five-session course is focused on popular conventions and is a great follow-up to BB I.


Course Topics: Stayman, Jacoby Transfers, the Big 2 club opener, Blackwood, Gerber, and Slam bidding.

Bridge Basics III will consist of 5 sessions at the London Bridge Centre and will be taught by Barb O'Brien.


When: TBA.


Cost: TBA.


For further information, contact Barb at


Registration will start soon. To register for this course please click

Advancing Your Game

Advancing Your Game - Part I 


This 8-week course is designed for players who have completed several bridge courses and who play duplicate bridge on a regular basis. Bidding and play topics will be reviewed, consolidated, and extended.

A variety of standard conventions will be re-introduced and fine-tuned to develop effective, competitive bridge strategies for duplicate bridge play. The use of good judgement will be emphasized.  A course outline may be found here.


This 8-week course will be taught over two terms of four weeks each, Part 1 during May 2025 and Part 2 will be completed in four weeks during the autumn of 2025. Although the two sessions will require two separate online registrations, please note that Part 1 is a prerequisite for Part 2.


Following the completion of this course, players will be more comfortable and successful competing against London's better bridge players in the open games.

Advancing Your Game Part will consist of 4 sessions to be held at the London Bridge Centre.


When: Four Thursday mornings, May 8, 15, 22, and 29, 2025 from 9:30 to noon.


Cost: $60 plus the student notebook $15.


For further information, contact Mary at


The registration deadline is May 1, 2025.


To register for this course please click HERE


Slam Bidding after Major and Minor Suit Openings:

A Course for Advanced and Intermediate Players

Slam bidding is difficult even for expert players.  This course is designed for the advanced and intermediate player who is comfortable playing in Open Games and is looking to improve toward becoming an expert player.  The course will be taught in late 2025 or early 2026 (exact dates to be announced later), from 2:00 until 4:15 on Tuesday afternoons over four weeks, using Zoom technology.  

There will also be a Practice and Play component available, using BBO and Zoom, in a mutually agreed upon two-hour afternoon time slot during the first two weeks after the course finishes.

To achieve the maximum benefit, you should take this course with a partner who has a similar level of bridge expertise and a desire to improve to the next level.

Course Outline    

Weeks one and two will look at critical aspects associated with slam bidding in the majors:

·         Jacoby 2NT;

·         Splinter Bids;

·         Control Bids;

·         1430 Blackwood

·         Queen Ask.

Weeks three and four will look at critical aspects associated with slam bidding in the minors:

·         Inverted minors;

·         Splinter Bids;

·         When new suits are looking for NT and when they are Control Bids;

·         When cue-bids are looking for NT and when they are Control Bids;

·         Finding minor suit slams in a suit that is not opened;

·         1430 Blackwood

·         Queen Ask.

Practice and Play

For those who are interested, the course can be followed by two Practice and Play sessions.  These separate two-hour private Practice and Play sessions will be with a group of four and based on the concepts taught during the course.  Each session will be supervised by Barry and take place on a mutually agreed upon afternoon time slot during the first two weeks after the completion of the course.  If you are unable to find another compatible pair for the Practice and Play component, an attempt will be made to find a pair for you.

Dates and Times

The classes will be held in late 2025 or early 2026 from 2:00 pm to 4:15 pm. Dates to be announced.

Practice and Play will take place on a mutually agreed upon afternoon time and day during the first two weeks following the course. 


 The cost for the four lessons and resources will be $70.

The cost for the two Practice and Play sessions and resources will be $40.

Registration and Payment

Registration dates for the course will be announced in late 2025 in the London Bridge Centre Newsletter. 

Payment should be by e-transfer or cheque.

Registration and payment for the Practice and Play component can be made toward the end of the course.

The link to register for this course will be activated in late 2025.

For further information contact Barry Onslow: 519-657-9793 or email 


Fifth Chair Teaching

Are you interested in developing your bridge skills?

Several teachers from London Bridge Centre are offering small group lessons online while they sit as Fifth Chair to guide your progress. Your group will play online at a mutually agreed-upon time. Prices and the length of each session may vary slightly.  For further info please go to Fifth Chair teachers. Please contact the teacher of your choice for details.

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